As a Certified Professional Life Coach in the area of health and wellness, I help people actively address their lifestyle choices to achieve better balance and improve their quality of life. Whether you are struggling with a physical health condition, anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, work/life balance, diet and weight loss issues, general health maintenance, or have a goal that is just out of reach, I provide support and guidance as you set goals for sustainable changes. I have had the pleasure of working with clients from all over the world, including the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Portugal, South Africa, Lebanon, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, and China.


Beyond Pain and Suffering
Adapting to Adversity and Life Challenges

To move beyond pain and suffering does not necessarily mean to live without pain and suffering. It means learning to adapt to adversity to prevent our physical and/or emotional challenges from becoming the dominant force in our lives. We all experience hardships in our lives as well as unpredictable stressors such as pain, trauma, diseases and other illnesses, financial trouble, relationship issues, loss, fear, anxiety, and depression, to name just a few. This book provides practical concepts and strategies for how to cope and manage these and other situations to reduce the pain and suffering they bring, be it physical, emotional, or both. When we learn to adapt to adversity, we live beyond our pain and suffering, meaning that the most difficult parts of our life are no longer the most significant parts of our life.

Beyond Pain Book 3D Paperback and Kindle copy

Diagnosis Dystonia
Navigating the Journey

Recognized by the Michael J. Fox Foundation and featured in Pain-Free Living Magazine and Pain Pathways Magazine, Diagnosis Dystonia is a must read for patients, family, friends, caregivers, health care providers, researchers, and anyone who knows someone living with dystonia or other chronic health condition. This combination autobiography, self-help, education book provides readers with healthy living strategies, coping skills, treatment options, and tools for dealing with the physical, emotional, and psychological challenges of life with a chronic health condition.


Education ♦ Inspiration ♦ Motivation

After battling life changing health challenges, I am on a mission to share my message of hope and determination. My educational, inspirational, and motivational presentations teach people of all ages and backgrounds how to survive and thrive in face of life challenges. I believe all obstacles are opportunities for learning and growth, and this is what I will share with your group to help them live with greater passion and joy.

Embrace the Suck of Life – Honestly Coping with Challenges

How getting lost in physical and mental pain help me find myself

Managing Excessive Worry and Fear to Avoid Health Consequences


Client Testimonials

Thank you!! You have given me many options to pursue and provided more insight and help than anyone I’ve seen in the last 7yrs!

A.A. – Spokane, WA

Tom, we will probably never meet in person, but I feel I know the real you. Because of you, I have a calmness within me that was not there before. You have changed my perspective on my own life. And also the lives of people I love & cherish, because I have shared so much of your wisdom with them.

G.L. – United Kingdom

Thank you so much for your continued support as my coach, Tom. Your first hand knowledge of this chronic condition and the helpful information you share have been invaluable. Your positive personality shines through and is appreciated. You deliver powerful messages in an unassuming manner. Prior to speaking with you, I felt like I was “running out of steam” in my efforts to move forward with my Dystonia challenges. However, because of our conversations, you have shed light and hope for my future Dystonia journey. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

R.S. – New York

Tom was just what I needed when I was finding my path after being diagnosed with a chronic illness. He is compassionate and understanding, extremely positive, open-minded, and very intuitive. I highly recommend getting in touch with Tom if you are looking for some extra help or direction, encouragement, support or just an uplifting conversation.

J.C. – Kansas

During a very difficult time I was suicidal and heading for dangerous addiction. I credit Tom with helping me find my way out. He will always have a special place in my heart because of it. He really listens and tailors his help to the individual. Tom is a natural mentor.

C.M. – New Jersey

You put things in a way that are so rational and logical, yet encouraging and reassuring!

R.S. – Canada

I probably don’t thank you enough, but the time you dedicate to help me through life’s challenges means a lot.
You’re a good man and the world needs more people like you.

J.C. – North Carolina

You make me think, you make me grow, and you challenge me. You are an amazing person!

E.C. – Texas

Tom creates an environment of safety right away. He was able to get to the heart of the matter quickly.
His ability to support the feelings involved while addressing the facts make him an excellent coach.

K.B. – Michigan

You have been an asset in my life and an outstanding coach. I can only see you helping others in such a positive way as you have helped me. You have given me helpful tools to use going forward.

J.D. – New York

From the Blog

There is no cure: The worst words to hear and believe

When I developed a neurological movement disorder called dystonia back in 2001, one of the first things I was told is that there is no cure. This terrified me. No cure?!? How is that possible?!? Of all the things...


Weekly Words of Wellness

For those of you who are receive my newsletter and blogs, I wanted to make you aware of a new project I am working on. It is called Weekly Words of Wellness. My goal is to share something new...


Being realistic about healthcare and treatment expectations

I have lived with pain most of my life. Prior to the age of 30, when I developed dystonia, it was mainly from sports injuries. Pain from dystonia, a neurological movement disorder, was a whole new world of pain I didn’t...



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