How I overcame the freeze stress response after an anxious situation

If you suffer with anxiety, you know just how crippling it can be. As horrible as it is, anxiety is actually a normal, instinctive human emotion that everyone experiences...

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Thanksgiving quotes we can apply to our lives every day

Quotes are some of my favorite things. Some of them I read or hear and they go in one ear and out the other. Then there are some that...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder and what we can do about it

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, Fall has quickly passed and Winter is upon us. The beginning of Fall is one of favorite times of the year with...

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Negative thinking is like a self-induced autoimmune disease that can make life miserable

I need to preface this article by saying that I am not equating an autoimmune disease with how we think. What I am saying is that the way we...

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A visual tip to slow down and not over do it and hurt yourself more

If you have read my books or seen my blogs or videos, you know that I live with a neurological movement disorder called dystonia that I have had since...

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Be kind to your pain. It’s crying for your attention

I have lived with chronic pain from a neurological movement disorder called dystonia for over 20 years. Chronic pain does not follow any rules, and after multiple beatings, we can lose...

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Another painful reminder how stress increases pain

The other day I had a water leak in one of my closets that needed immediate attention. While I was cleaning it up, I reached my arm a certain...

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Understanding and improving our stress response to reduce pain and suffering

Having lived with chronic pain from dystonia for over 20 years, I spent most of that time focused on treating the physical symptoms. This has been very important and...

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How we can relate more effectively to our pain

If you live with any form of pain, I’m hoping the following information will be of help. Many of us look at pain the wrong way that exacerbates our...

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Cervical Dystonia: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning and Coping

I am honored to share a guest blog by Apurva Zawar, PT, DPT, GCS. She is the founder and owner of BeyondRehab, a digital Neuro-Rehab & Wellness clinic. I...

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They Don’t Know What They Don’t Know: Learning to Manage Judgement and Criticism from Others When Living with a Chronic and Debilitating Condition

In my last blog, I talked about the difficulty being understood by others when living with a chronic health condition and the challenges that come with it. You can...

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“I understand, but I also don’t understand” – A message to everyone about chronic health issues

A few days before a recent family gathering, I had a flare up in pain and other symptoms of dystonia that prevented me from attending. One of my relatives...

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Perspective on pain and suffering – Is it all in our head? Powerful words from a fellow patient

As many of you know, I have lived with a painful neurological movement disorder called dystonia for the past 22 years. Utilizing different treatments, therapies, extensive self-care and plenty...

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What’s the best thing we can do when we are in pain?

In a word, nothing. In two words, don’t panic. In two other words that are the same but are more positive and action oriented…be calm. Let me explain…when we...

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My review of two new lotions for joint pain and exercise recovery

As many of you know, I have lived with chronic pain from a neurological movement disorder called dystonia since 2001. In my books, blogs, and articles, I talk about many tools for pain I...

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