Campaigning for less stress

March 1, 2020

This is the time of the year when the gloves come off, friends become enemies, logic and reason are replaced by emotion and impulse, and stress is extremely heightened. If you haven’t guessed already, it’s campaign season.

If you are impacted by high stress, this may be an especially tough time for you. If you are sensitive to hate speech, television and social media may not be the best place for you. If you are heated up this time of year by getting caught up in rivalries, perhaps some different perspectives need to be considered to reduce the health impact the campaign season has on you.

It doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you are on. This is a highly emotional time and people are brutally fueled by opinions that they sometimes lash out with anger; to the point sometimes where all manners go out the window and we forget to be kind to each other.

Regarding political parties, in my lifetime I have never seen such division as I have in the last 20 years. It pains me to see such blatant disregard for others and the language used to express an opinion and/or describe another person for their beliefs and opinions, both on the campaign trail and in everyday life.

We are, after all, in this together, and regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, most of us want the exact same things… a safe country, better schools, financial freedom… why do we fight so much? Why do we choose to be so polarized?

Please be careful how much you get wrapped up in the heated political pandering over the next year. Focus on being kind to others and kind to yourself, no matter what your beliefs are. Why? Because if you don’t, your life is going to be run by emotions and your stress is going to go through the roof; a very unhealthy way to live, especially if you already have a health condition, as I do with a painful movement disorder called dystonia.

During this time of year when it is so easy for friends to become enemies and blood pressure to skyrocket, take a step back and show each other mutual kindness, understanding, consideration, an open mind, and avoid all the hate speech no matter who you like or dislike on the campaign trail. locally and nationally. The stress of it all is simply not worth it. As you go about your day, please be kind, calm, gentle, and loving to yourself and others. Remember that our hearts must be at peace for our minds to be at peace for our bodies to be at peace.










Tom Seaman is a Certified Professional Life Coach in the area of health and wellness, and the author of 2 books: Diagnosis Dystonia: Navigating the Journey (2015) and Beyond Pain and Suffering: Adapting to Adversity and Life Challenges (2021. He is also a motivational speaker, chronic pain and dystonia awareness advocate, health blogger, volunteer for the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) as a support group leader, and is a member and writer for Chronic Illness Bloggers NetworkThe MightyPatient Worthy, and The Wellness Universe. To learn more about Tom, get a copy of his books (also on Amazon), or schedule a free life coaching consult, visit Follow him on Twitter @Dystoniabook1 and Instagram.


2 responses to “Campaigning for less stress”

  1. Jeanne LaVana says:

    Very well said, thank you for the reminders and positive thoughts. You are always right-on. Thank you,

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