There is no cure: The worst words to hear and believe

When I developed a neurological movement disorder called dystonia back in 2001, one of the first things I was told is that there is no cure. This terrified me....

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Weekly Words of Wellness

For those of you who are receive my newsletter and blogs, I wanted to make you aware of a new project I am working on. It is called Weekly...

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Being realistic about healthcare and treatment expectations

I have lived with pain most of my life. Prior to the age of 30, when I developed dystonia, it was mainly from sports injuries. Pain from dystonia, a neurological movement...

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Thoughts about suffering to help break through pain and misery

Most things in life don’t always go as expected. None of us ever truly prepares for a hardship that throws our life off course. Even in the case of...

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What I have learned from decades of pain and dystonia

As I reflect on my 23 years (as of 2024) living with dystonia and pain and other symptoms that changed my life in many ways, I want to share...

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How we can hold space for ourselves to reduce pain

In this article I am going to talk about how we can hold space for ourselves for the benefit of being more at peace and more at ease. This...

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Tips for reducing the control that anxiety has on us

If you live with anxiety of any kind, I hope this is of help to you. Anxiety and panic attacks were a big problem for me for a long...

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A body in pain has a brain like a heat seeking missile

When you are in chronic pain, especially if you have multiple areas where you experience pain, your brain is like a guided missile system. In other words, it is...

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How I overcame the freeze stress response after an anxious situation

If you suffer with anxiety, you know just how crippling it can be. As horrible as it is, anxiety is actually a normal, instinctive human emotion that everyone experiences...

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Thanksgiving quotes we can apply to our lives every day

Quotes are some of my favorite things. Some of them I read or hear and they go in one ear and out the other. Then there are some that...

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Negative thinking is like a self-induced autoimmune disease that can make life miserable

I need to preface this article by saying that I am not equating an autoimmune disease with how we think. What I am saying is that the way we...

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Be kind to your pain. It’s crying for your attention

I have lived with chronic pain from a neurological movement disorder called dystonia for over 20 years. Chronic pain does not follow any rules, and after multiple beatings, we can lose...

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Another painful reminder how stress increases pain

The other day I had a water leak in one of my closets that needed immediate attention. While I was cleaning it up, I reached my arm a certain...

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Understanding and improving our stress response to reduce pain and suffering

Having lived with chronic pain from dystonia for over 20 years, I spent most of that time focused on treating the physical symptoms. This has been very important and...

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Perspective on pain and suffering – Is it all in our head? Powerful words from a fellow patient

As many of you know, I have lived with a painful neurological movement disorder called dystonia for the past 22 years. Utilizing different treatments, therapies, extensive self-care and plenty...

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