There is no cure: The worst words to hear and believe

When I developed a neurological movement disorder called dystonia back in 2001, one of the first things I was told is that there is no cure. This terrified me....

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Being realistic about healthcare and treatment expectations

I have lived with pain most of my life. Prior to the age of 30, when I developed dystonia, it was mainly from sports injuries. Pain from dystonia, a neurological movement...

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Thoughts about suffering to help break through pain and misery

Most things in life don’t always go as expected. None of us ever truly prepares for a hardship that throws our life off course. Even in the case of...

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Hey Pain! Try as you may. You will not win!

None of us are immune to the challenges of life. At some time or another we all endure tough experiences. Nothing ever prepared me for developing dystonia back in...

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What I have learned from decades of pain and dystonia

As I reflect on my 23 years (as of 2024) living with dystonia and pain and other symptoms that changed my life in many ways, I want to share...

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How we can hold space for ourselves to reduce pain

In this article I am going to talk about how we can hold space for ourselves for the benefit of being more at peace and more at ease. This...

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Key Nutritional Advice for Diabetics Looking to Eat Healthier

Living with a chronic condition can be very difficult. Sometimes, you are dealing with physical pain or discomfort. Then, there are the tests and appointments. You also have to...

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How much self-care is too much?

If you have read my books or articles, you have probably noticed that I talk about self-care quite a bit. I think self-care is extremely important for anyone, whether...

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Drink ideas for pain, inflammation, and weight loss

People often ask what I eat since nutrition is very important to me, especially as it relates to helping control pain and other symptoms of dystonia. I also used...

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Releasing emotional pain about the past to find peace

Several years ago, I wrote about the emotional pain of “victim mentality” when faced with a health or other life challenge, because of how dramatically things may have changed...

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Tips for reducing the control that anxiety has on us

If you live with anxiety of any kind, I hope this is of help to you. Anxiety and panic attacks were a big problem for me for a long...

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A body in pain has a brain like a heat seeking missile

When you are in chronic pain, especially if you have multiple areas where you experience pain, your brain is like a guided missile system. In other words, it is...

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How I overcame the freeze stress response after an anxious situation

If you suffer with anxiety, you know just how crippling it can be. As horrible as it is, anxiety is actually a normal, instinctive human emotion that everyone experiences...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder and what we can do about it

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, Fall has quickly passed and Winter is upon us. The beginning of Fall is one of favorite times of the year with...

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Negative thinking is like a self-induced autoimmune disease that can make life miserable

I need to preface this article by saying that I am not equating an autoimmune disease with how we think. What I am saying is that the way we...

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