Striving to find balance when in pain and everything feels off balance

I am always striving to find balance in my life, as I know most people are. Because my neck is off-center from a neurological movement disorder called dystonia, it...

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How to choose better for ourselves when we are suffering

If you have dystonia and chronic pain like I do, or one of many other thousands of health conditions, or just dealing with some tough life situations, you are...

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Coming to terms with painful challenges is hard!

Life is filled with endless ups and downs. The first 5 of my ongoing 20 years living with dystonia were pretty much nothing but down times. I experienced the...

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Try as we may, we can’t hide from our pain forever

Human beings are wired to run away from things that are painful and difficult. I sure as heck did the first 5 years of my dystonia diagnosis. It often...

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Self-care: Why, When, What, and How Much?

I have been compensated by Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC for this blog post including for sharing information about XEOMIN® (incobotulinumtoxinA). I am not currently being treated with XEOMIN. For a...

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The truth about stress…in my opinion

Believe it or not, it wasn’t until final exams my freshman year in college that I heard the term “stressed out.” It just wasn’t used that often back then....

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Stress is like a clogged drain – Tips for managing our emotional plumbing

I think everybody would agree that stress is a challenge in their lives. Personally, I think we should take on the belief that no stress exists and that it...

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Slow down to manage your pain

How many of you find yourself rushing around and it’s causing you stress and pain? And if you already have pain, does it add to your pain? Are you...

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Embrace the suck of life

Most of us are familiar with the Latin term, carpe diem, which means “seize the day.” This phrase became especially popular in the movie Dead Poets Society with the...

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Don’t let your obnoxious pain get under your skin

If you live with pain, you know how debilitating and life changing it can be, and how it can dictate your entire days’ activities, as well as your moods....

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Are you turning your gizmo into a gremlin? Understanding and managing anxiety

When I think of anxiety, I think of the movie, Gremlins (1984). For those of you who have seen this movie, you know that feeding a gremlin after midnight...

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The Dystonia Diagnosis and Prognosis

“You have dystonia” are three words that can be very confusing and frightening. Receiving the news that you have any chronic condition can bring out a lot of emotions....

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NEW BOOK RELEASE — Beyond Pain and Suffering: Adapting to Adversity and Life Challenges

In 2015, I published my first book, Diagnosis Dystonia: Navigating the Journey. It is a combination autobiography, self-help, education book that provides treatment options, coping strategies, skills for daily...

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The impact stress and emotions have on our health

20 years ago, I developed a painful neurological movement disorder called dystonia. I was 30 years old at the time. It totally turned my life upside down where I...

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Managing excessive worry and fear to avoid health consequences

I think it would be safe to say that everyone is afraid of something. Sometimes the fear is justified and sometimes not. In this article, I want to focus...

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