Finding perspective in uncertain times

Uncertain times may be the understatement of the year so far. When the news of COVID-19 (coronavirus) caught our attention, many of us were frozen in disbelief and bewilderment....

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Campaigning for less stress

This is the time of the year when the gloves come off, friends become enemies, logic and reason are replaced by emotion and impulse, and stress is extremely heightened....

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100% Self-Care Plan

If you were given $100 a week to feed your entire family, how much of that would you use to feed yourself? Change this question and replace it with...

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Slowing down our rushed, anxious mind

If you are like most people, you probably rush through your day and all of the moments throughout the day. The problem is that we give ourselves a big...

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OSKA Pulse Pain Technology Update!

Disclosure: this blog contains affiliate links and I will receive commission if you decide to purchase from Oska, Inc. using this link. I was provided with a free product...

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A test of one of my greatest fears and anxiety

I think all life events and experiences are learning lessons so in my articles and blogs I share different things I have gone through to try and help others....

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The power of perspective when living with pain

People often tell me how upbeat and positive I am, despite living with pain from dystonia all day, every day for the last 20 years. I would say this...

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A mindfulness technique to find peace from stress and pain

The other day I was speaking with a client of mine who suffers with a chronic health condition called dystonia, which is accompanied by chronic pain. I also live...

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How to find stillness in your life

If you are like me and probably most people, in today’s busy world it is a big challenge to be still and mentally at ease. This is such an...

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Justice for patients?

This is a post by a guest blogger who describes an experience many of us can relate to when it comes to the care we receive from health professionals. by...

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Please don’t judge how a person feels based on how they look

Human beings are visual creatures, so we often associate how someone feels based on how they look and act. Sadly, this is very short sighted. Many people live with...

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What do you do when you feel out of control?

How many of you feel as though you are in control of your life? I would guess probably not too many. However, I bet a great majority of us...

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Finding peace in the midst of pain

I live with chronic, persistent pain from a neurological movement disorder called dystonia, which I have had for nearly 20 years. Prior to developing it, I experienced pain throughout my...

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The power of hope when faced with pain and adversity

Hope is a simple word that can mean so much to anyone going through a difficult time. It can mean the difference between giving up and hanging on. It...

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The art of not caring – Reducing stress to improve our health

Having lived with chronic pain from dystonia for almost 20 years, I spent most of that time focused on treating the physical symptoms. This has been very important and...

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