How we can hold space for ourselves to reduce pain

In this article I am going to talk about how we can hold space for ourselves for the benefit of being more at peace and more at ease. This...

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What can we do to find peace when we are struggling?

If you are struggling with anything in life, a question to ask yourself is, “what can I do on a daily basis that puts me in a position to...

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Fear is the enemy: stop feeding it

I have been compensated by Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC for this blog post including for sharing information about XEOMIN® (incobotulinumtoxinA). I am not currently being treated with XEOMIN. Fear is...

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Managing excessive worry and fear to avoid health consequences

I think it would be safe to say that everyone is afraid of something. Sometimes the fear is justified and sometimes not. In this article, I want to focus...

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A test of one of my greatest fears and anxiety

I think all life events and experiences are learning lessons so in my articles and blogs I share different things I have gone through to try and help others....

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When is the proper time to face our fears?

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog about a bad back injury I suffered and how I worked through it. You can read it by clicking here. In...

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“It is what it is” – Part of the recipe for acceptance?

Our response to life events has an undeniable impact on our health I often think of acceptance about anything in life in terms of the saying, “it is what it...

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Fear: The enemy of mankind

Fear is probably the single most damaging, debilitating, detrimental energy we have. It interferes with our healing process and our well-being in every area of our life. We cannot...

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Let go of worry and trust yourself more

I recently spoke with a client who was struggling with trusting her ability to manage the physical and emotional ramifications of trauma and stress. She was filled with worry...

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When anxiety attacks

If you suffer with anxiety, you know just how crippling it can be. Anxiety is actually a natural response to our environment that is designed to protect us from...

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The Impact of Chronic Pain on Social Life

Chronic pain has a sinister way of impacting practically every aspect of our lives. One major area is our social life. Since chronic pain is often misunderstood by others...

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Strategies for anxiety and panic attacks

Have you ever had a panic attack? If so, you know how terrifying they can be. I have had plenty and know exactly what they are like…torture! There is...

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Overcoming fear for a better life

Fear is probably the single most damaging, debilitating, detrimental energy we have. It interferes with our well-being in every area of our life. We cannot thrive when we are...

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Working through life challenges – Releasing the past

In my last blog, I wrote about the emotional pain of “victim mentality” when faced with a health or other life challenge. In this entry, I will share some ideas...

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Understanding and coping with anxiety

I think most of us would agree that anxiety is quite common among the dystonia population. It is not a feature or symptom of dystonia, but given the major...

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