Don’t let your obnoxious pain get under your skin

If you live with pain, you know how debilitating and life changing it can be, and how it can dictate your entire days’ activities, as well as your moods....

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Are you turning your gizmo into a gremlin? Understanding and managing anxiety

When I think of anxiety, I think of the movie, Gremlins (1984). For those of you who have seen this movie, you know that feeding a gremlin after midnight...

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The Dystonia Diagnosis and Prognosis

“You have dystonia” are three words that can be very confusing and frightening. Receiving the news that you have any chronic condition can bring out a lot of emotions....

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Managing excessive worry and fear to avoid health consequences

I think it would be safe to say that everyone is afraid of something. Sometimes the fear is justified and sometimes not. In this article, I want to focus...

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My typical day managing my dystonia and chronic pain

I have lived with dystonia and chronic pain for 21 years. The first 5 of those years were the worst of my life. The pain from the involuntary muscle...

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The Frog Blog – How nature can teach us to stop resisting the flow of life

I was driving the other night and seemingly out of nowhere, a tree frog jumped on my windshield as I was going about 30 mph heading towards my home....

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ROYAL pain relieving lotion – Product Review

As many of you know, I live with chronic pain from a neurological movement disorder called dystonia. In my book, blogs, and articles, I talk about many tools for pain. I also write reviews...

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Replacement activities when living with pain

I have lived with chronic pain from dystonia, a neurological movement disorder, for nearly 20 years. The first 5 years my symptoms were so severe that I was barely...

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Health benefits of gravity table/inversion therapy

There was a recent discussion about a gravity/inversion table in one of my support groups, so I wanted to share some information about how this device works and my...

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A step for making self-care more of a priority

For a lot of us, self-care is difficult. This is for a lot of reasons, some of which might be guilt, not enough time, putting others before ourselves, not...

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The challenge of change

It goes without saying that change is not easy for most people. If life has been a certain way for many years and something alters the course of things,...

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Oska Pulse recovery update

Disclosure: this blog contains affiliate links and I will receive commission if you decide to purchase from Oska, Inc. using this link. I was provided with a free product...

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Campaigning for less stress

This is the time of the year when the gloves come off, friends become enemies, logic and reason are replaced by emotion and impulse, and stress is extremely heightened....

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100% Self-Care Plan

If you were given $100 a week to feed your entire family, how much of that would you use to feed yourself? Change this question and replace it with...

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Do you live in protection mode because of your pain?

Most of us have heard of the fight-or-flight stress response. It becomes activated when we believe there is a chance we can outfight or outrun real or perceived danger...

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