When is the proper time to face our fears?

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog about a bad back injury I suffered and how I worked through it. You can read it by clicking here. In...

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Asking for help is good for us and also helps others

I have lived with chronic pain from dystonia, a neurological movement disorder, for almost 20 years. For more than half of those years, I had a hard time asking for...

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My test to find relief in the midst of a serious pain episode

The other day I wrote a blog called, The impact stress and emotions have on our health, where I discussed how stress and our emotional reaction to pain and...

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The impact stress and emotions have on our health

20 years ago, I developed a painful neurological movement disorder called dystonia. I was 30 years old at the time. It totally turned my life upside down where I...

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A “pain”ful lesson for which I am grateful

I have lived with pain almost my entire life. Prior to the age of 30, when I developed chronic pain from a condition called dystonia, I experienced pain primarily...

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“It is what it is” – Part of the recipe for acceptance?

Our response to life events has an undeniable impact on our health I often think of acceptance about anything in life in terms of the saying, “it is what it...

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PEMF Therapy for Pain & Healing – Update on my experience with OSKA Pulse

Disclosure: this blog contains affiliate links and I will receive commission if you decide to purchase from Oska, Inc. using this link. I was provided with a free product...

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Fear: The enemy of mankind

Fear is probably the single most damaging, debilitating, detrimental energy we have. It interferes with our healing process and our well-being in every area of our life. We cannot...

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Thanksgiving quotes we can use all year long

I love quotes! Some of them I read or hear and they go in one ear and out the other. Those that really resonate stick with me and help...

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Let go of worry and trust yourself more

I recently spoke with a client who was struggling with trusting her ability to manage the physical and emotional ramifications of trauma and stress. She was filled with worry...

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Screw this pain! I choose better!

None of us are immune to the challenges of life. At some time or another we all endure tough experiences. Nothing ever prepared me for dystonia and chronic, persistent...

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Please don’t judge how someone feels based on appearance

If you have a health condition where you are misunderstood and perhaps judged by others for how you live your life to battle your symptoms, I invite you to...

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Nature’s Resilience After a Hurricane: A Metaphor for Life Challenges

I live in North Carolina in the United States where we were recently hit with a very powerful hurricane that caused a lot of damage. Many trees fell on...

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Life before and after chronic pain from dystonia changed my entire World

For most of my 21 years with chronic pain and other symptoms from dystonia, I viewed it as a curse; an evil intruder that ruined my life. This perspective...

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Problems or opportunities?

Life is filled with endless opportunities. Sometimes the opportunities, or silver lining, are hard to see when we have problems with our health, finances, family, or career, but they...

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